Saturday, January 7, 2012

#3 (Scaredycat)

It's creepy to be home alone. Especially if you're not completely used to the place where you are.
The whole family is being on a birthday party that I for some good reasons did not want to go to. And they left 6 hours ago. I've tried really hard not to run out of work during this whole time - mostly because I'm kind of scared. At first I walked the dog. I wanted it to become a nice, long walk. At least one hour was my goal. But it was dark. And nobody was on the streets. And the cars drove by super slow. I found myself back inside of our house like only 15 minutes later.

Then I decided to make myself some food. There was a big piece of chicken left, so I just fried it with salt and pepper because I had no better idea what to do with it. I also found some Mexican style soup called "Posole" on the stove and ate a little bit of that.

While I was eating I had the TV in the kitchen running. Watching random people getting help to get out of their debts distracted me for like half an hour. I decided not to wash the dishes today. I already washed them yesterday and just didn't feel like it. So I grabbed the dog and washed it. (Yes, I know, I was supposed to do that yesterday, but for some reason I never did.) After washing the dog I went back into the kitchen..

To make long things short: It's 11:17pm 11:20pm, the kitchen, the living room & the bathroom are completely clean, my family left me 6 hours ago and I am scared.

1 comment:

  1. And sometimes things turn out worse. Thank you for this evening.
